Random Harvest Newsletter Archive

Random Harvest Newsletter - May 2013

Posted On: Wednesday, May 1, 2013

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Dear Indigenous Enthusiast,

Another reminder: We are open 7 days a week now so you can visit us on Sundays

For the people who are too busy to read the newsletter I thought I would give a bullet list of

What's On at Random Harvest

  • Succulent Display
  • 1st May, Workers day mystery gift promotion
  • 12th May, Mother's day High Tea and gift
  • May and June, Special in Bed and Breakfast

Succulent Display

Just for something a bit different we have laid out a beautiful formal succulent display that I, who normally loves the wild and woolly, just love. 

It is worth a visit just to be inspired by the wonderful colours and textures you can combine in a succulent garden. 

Of course succulents save you money as you don't have to water them much to keep them looking beautiful.

We have a few special plants such as the Impala Lily, Swazi lily and Kudu Lily and my best one the Sesame Tree (Sesamothamnus lugardiae) which I have searched for years for. 

I am tempted to keep them for my collection.

Some of the Vygies such a Delosperma lydenbergense are in flower with their gorgeous glistening cerise flowers.

For those of you who live in very cold areas Aloe striatula (Basuto Kraal Aloe) is a good tough choice for beautiful flowers in cold winter areas.

Water Conservation Garden

This display has matured and is looking absolutely magnificent with its succulent roof and the more water loving plants growing in and around the dips.  This is a perfect example of how if you shape your garden properly and plant your plants according to water usage you can have a truly beautiful garden with a minimum of fuss and water.

Workers Day - Mystery Gift Promotion

On Wednesday 1st May we will be having a mystery gift promotion.  When you get to the till to pay for your plants rummage around in the pot and pull a ticket and see what mystery gift you have won.  It could be anything from the big prize week-end stay for 2 at Random Harvest Country Cottages value R1740.00, tea for two, a butterfly on a stick, herbs and plants etc.  There is a whole range of surprises waiting for you.

Mothers Day - Gift and High Tea

Visit us on Mother's Day and collect a tree in a pot as a gift from us to all the moms and grannies too.

Spoil your mom with a scrumptious high tea of both sweet and savoury treats at Random Harvest on Mother's Day 12th May.

Cost R115.00 per person.  Booking essential call David on 082-553-0598

Unfortunately we cannot confirm the booking until the full amount has been paid as we will be specially preparing for each person.

Planted Wheelbarrow at the Entrance

We were given a beautiful old wheelbarrow that was just begging to be used, so Kathy painted it and Heather planted it up to help beautify our parking area. 

We think it is a great idea for a plant container. A wheelbarrow is mobile and can be moved around the garden depending on what you want to grow in it.

Our wheelbarrow planting is a celebration of colour, and many of the plants are good for attracting butterflies and other insects to the garden. 

You could also plant grasses and even veggies and herbs if you want to.  Below is a list of plants that we included in our planting.

  • Melinis repens (Natal Red Top)
  • Pogonothria squarrosa (Herringbone grass)
  • Scabiosa columbaria 'Butterfly Blue' (Scabiosa)
  • Bulbine abyssinica (Bushy Bulbine)
  • Tulbaghia violacea "Silver Lace" (Variegated Garlic Flower)
  • Felicia amelloides (Blue marguerite)
  • Delosperma lydenbergensis (Vygie)
  • Diascia hybrid genta ruby, dark coral (Twinspur)
  • Lobelia hybrids - a six-pack dotted around to fill spaces
  • Pelargonium fragrans "Nutmeg" (Nutmeg Pelargonium)
  • Stachys aethiopica 'pink(African Stachys)
  • Gazania gazoo hybrids (Gazania)

A few other species that you could also use:

  • Scilla baurii
  • Agapanthus miniatures
  • Geranium incanum
  • Other Lampranthus sp.
  • Monopsis species
  • Nemesia species
  • Crassula swaziensis
  • Zalouzianskya katharinae
  • Herbs - check compatibility with one another and mature size
  • Vegetables - check compatibility and eventual

Remember the Special in the Guesthouse

Spend some time at Random Harvest and experience a taste of the happiness and joy I feel each day living on this amazing place.

To encourage you to take the time we are offering a winter special for the months of May and June of R395.00 per person and we will feed you a hearty farm breakfast included in this price.

Earthworm Compost

Think of mulching your garden with compost at this time of the year to protect the soil from the coming cold. 

Use either Random Harvest's own compost (R21.50 per bag) which we make on site or use some of Bev's homemade earthworm compost which is full of earthworms' eggs and even some earthworms (R29.50 per bag.)

Frost Protection

Now is the time to start watering your garden with Agrisil.  This contains tiny quantities of silica in the solution which the plant takes up. 

The silica helps prevent the formation of crystals one of which is frost and thus protects your plants.

Our stock of frost cover is now in and it is time to start wrapping the stems of your young trees to help protect them.

A dose of 2:3:2 fertiliser will also help strengthen your plants for winter.  You could also give your woody plants a slow release Agriform tablet.

Hand Made Bird Bath (Pictured right)

My friend Kathy is a wonderful potter and she has made these lovely birdbaths at just R195.00.  I have also had stands made for those who may need one at R125.00.

Plants Looking Good in the Nursery



 Plant Leonotis leonurus (Orange Wild Dagga) and Hypoestes aristata (Ribbon Bush) together.  The orange and purple blooming at the same time will knock your socks off with the colour and variety of birds, butterflies and insects they will attract to the garden.  Plant the Ribbon Bush on the shady side of the Wild Dagga.

The Barlerias are in full bloom at the moment and looking very pretty. 

The butterflies are  also feasting on the nectar from the flowers. 

The species we have in stock are Barleria obtusa (Bush violet), Barleria repens pink and purple (Small Bush Violet).

Senecio tamoides variegated (Variegated Canary creeper). 

This plant is not as vigorous as its green counterpart.  It looks beautiful tumbling over walls or in hanging baskets. 

The lovely white and green leaves lighten up a dark corner as they tolerate quite a lot of shade.

 I know I spoke about Dyschorist thunbergiflora last month but the Standard specimens are looking just marvellous and would be a great addition to any garden or planted up in a beautiful container.


On The Farm

I was so grateful for the rain (even though I thought I was going to freeze).  

It also saved me a lot of money as I was going to clear holes around all the big trees and mulch and water them to help them through winter but the rain saved me a huge job.

The dam is also looking great and is full. 

I am not sure what was hatching but there were about 15 Yellow Billed Ducks feeding by skimming their bills along the surface of the water. 

I have never seen so many ducks on the dam at one time before.  I checked in Roberts Birds and they said they were eating the larvae of water creatures - interesting!

The other interesting thing is that I saw White Breasted Cormorant on the dam for the first time.  I can only think it was the deeper water that attracted them.

The Black Headed Herons are back in force.  Luckily there are no more babies on the dam so they will have to work a little harder for their meal.

The Setaria megaphylla (Broad Leaved Bristle Grass) is in full seed behind the patio display in the nursery. 

There were so many Common Waxbills feasting on the seed that the whole plant was shivering. 

These are really cute little birds and I can't help getting excited every time I see them.

Talking of birds in the nursery, last Sunday I heard this gentle fluting call coming from the nursery. 

While I was sitting in my office working and trying to work out what the call was my mom went to check and there were Red-winged Starlings on the peanut feeder. 

I was terribly excited to see them and asked William to take the pictures. 

He has a long way to go to catch up with Jeffrey and thus the picture is not great but at least we got a snap to show you!

I was the one that was sceptical about the peanut feeder but the birds just love it and finish the peanuts in 2 days.  I must say I do break the peanuts a bit.

You know it has rained a lot when the mushrooms start popping out.  Aren't these white mushrooms on my compost heaps just beautiful?

I have spent so many years trying to create habitat on the farm and I just love it when I see a bird like this African Stonechat that is in perfect habitat. 

It gives me a really good feeling to know I have created a place where they can live and breed in as natural surroundings as possible.

The other evening I was sitting in the nursery and the big Acacia galpinii (Monkey Thorn) closed its leaves as they do in the evenings. 

With the leaves drawn in I could see the beautiful architecture of the tree and how the branches go up in layers. 

I was awestruck at the beauty of this tree and fell in love with it all over again. 

Unfortunately the only picture that I have for you does not do it justice.

So much for only indigenous fish in my dam.  I only bought indigenous fish but now have giant Carp in the dam. 

Yolam is going to fish them out and eat them.  He can't wait for his first taste of fresh fish in a while.

I will say good-bye and hope to see you in the nursery.



Cell 079-872-8975
email [email protected]

For directions please go to our website www.rhn.co.za : or call 082-553-0598

Hours of business 8:00 to 17:00 Monday to Saturday, Closed Sundays

Cottages 072-562-3396 :  Nursery 082-553-0598


Directions from the N1

  • From the N1 take the Beyers Naude off ramp and travel north along Beyers Naude Drive.
  • From the Christian De Wet Road crossing (Northgate is towards your right) continue along Beyers Naude Drive for 8.2km.
  • If you are traveling along Christiaan De Wet Road, turn left or from Northumberland Ave. turn right into Beyers Naude Drive.
  • Using Garden World Nursery, which is on your right, as a landmark measure 1.8km to our turn-off.
  • Opposite Oakfield farm (which is well sign-posted) at Valdor Centre turn right into College Road.
  • Continue for 2.2.km keeping right and following the small directional signs to Random Harvest Nursery.
  • You will find us on the left.

Directions from the N14

  • From the N14 (Krugersdorp - Pretoria Highway) take the Randburg/Zwartkop offramp (NB Do not take the Randburg/Lanseria offramp if you are coming from Pretoria).
  • Turn left towards Johannesburg along the extension of Beyers Naude Drive.
  • Pass the turn-off to Diepsloot - Nooitgedacht
  • Take the next tar road to your left at Valdor Centre into College Road 
  • Follow the directional signs (See above).

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