Indigenous Nursery News Blog

Bird List - Random Harvest Farm

At Random Harvest we have an amazing number of birds resident or regularly visiting us.  I believe this is because we have so many different types of habitat here on the farm.

We have planted a big variety of indigenous plants.  The way they are planted and the variety help create the habitat that the numerous species of birds use.

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The Succulent Garden - Tips by Random Harvest Plant Nursery

Succulents have been described as the “retro” plants of today - with shapes, colours and textures that fit in well with the modern, simple style of décor and home design.

As gardening takes on a more environmentally conscious approach, aspects such as water conservation and wildlife gardening are incorporated into the design.

Whether you have or would like to install a more  conventional rock garden or something more modern, here are some tips for creating  a beautiful succulent garden.

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Guide to Water Conservation Garden Display

Water Conservation Gardening - Display by Heather Balcomb and Linda De Luca

Water Conservation Gardening is the wise use and management of any water in the garden, particularly rain water. Ideally our gardens should not let a drop of water leave our property - be it a home or business park, or shopping area.

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Succulents and Water Conservation Gardening

Did you know that by planting succulents, you save time, money and water? They also promote greater carbon absorption and require very little maintenance.

The days of selecting a dry, barren corner of your garden as the perfect place for a few succulents are long gone; they are now being appreciated for what they are - the crown jewels of the plant kingdom.

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Creating a small pond in your garden

As promised in the newsletter – here are the instructions for creating a small pond in your garden.

When you are finished building the pond you can now relax and watch the wildlife that will appreciate all your hard work.

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How to build a mini Beastie Box

Our Gardens are home to many different creatures, many that busy themselves gathering pollen and nectar or hunting for smaller "beasties", but there are also many that we don't even see until we look very carefully.

We share our garden with a host of creatures that are busy - some in the day and others at night - feeding, breeding, nesting and resting in any bit of suitable habitat they can find.

These are insect species, spiders and some other invertebrates, as well as a few vertebrates (such as lizards, and if we are in the right area, frogs and toads).

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Attracting dragonflies to your garden

There is something about the glistening of dragonflies' wings as they hover in the garden that epitomizes summer and long, hot, lazy days outdoors.

The beautiful male dragonflies dart from their perches on grass and reeds to ward off other possible invading males from their territory, while the females fly freely from territory to territory, in search of a suitable mate.

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