South African Indigenous Plant Catalogue

Random Harvest’s South African Indigenous Plant Catalogue is a purpose built resource for Landscapers and gardeners alike. It is an ever-growing collection of the plants indigenous to South Africa, that we grow or have grown in the past. Each plant included on this catalogue has horticultural value, and information is given on where and how to grow it to its full potential.

ATTRIBUTES - Select attributes for these plants (e.g. winter flowering, tall tree, butterfly host plant, bird friendly etc.) to fine tune a selection of plants that will most suit your gardening requirements. Simply click on the square next to the commonly asked question or attribute, and then click on the “Filter Plants” button.

SEARCH BUTTON - If you know what you are looking for, type in the name of the plant and click on the search button (magnifying glass). This function does require correct spelling of the plant name. You can enter the Genus and species, or one or the other, or a common name to search for a plant. This search facility can also be used to search on specific words, e.g. “yellow flowers” or “Lily” etc.

REQUEST A QUOTE - You are also able to build a request for a quote on plants that you would like for your garden project. Once you’ve selected what you want, submit it and we will get back to you with availability and a quote.

This catalogue is a work in progresss. Please let us know if you find any glaring errors.

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  • Acacia abyssinica abyssinica

    Acacia abyssinica abyssinica

    Flat Top Acacia, Nyanga Flat Top, Umbrella thorn

    Acacia abyssinica (=Vachellia abyssinica) is a hardy, deciduous (in Gauteng) to semi-deciduous, large tree that develops a distinctly flat top. The very dark brown to black bark is papery and peels off in big pieces on younge...

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  • Acacia ataxacantha

    Acacia ataxacanthaIn Stock

    Flamepod Thorn, Vlamdoring, umthathawe, umnga, mogokare, muluwa, mologa

    Acacia ataxacantha (=Senegalia ataxacantha) is a hardy, deciduous Acacia that can grow as a scrambling shrub or medium sized tree with many hooked prickles. It is drought resistant and fairly fast-growing. The fine leaves are either bright...

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  • Acacia brevispica

    Acacia brevispicaIn Stock

    Prickly Thorn, Dorinkiedoring, Umthathawe

    Acacia brevispica (=Senegalia brevispica) is a hardy, semi-deciduous, robust, prickly, scrambling Acacia that can be trained into a large beautiful shrub. It has feathery, large, soft, bipinnate leaves with small hook thorns along the rib...

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  • Acacia burkei

    Acacia burkeiIn Stock

    Swartapiesdoring, Black Monkey Thorn, Mokgwa, Umkhaya

    Acacia burkei (=Senegalia burkei) is a hardy, deciduous, medium sized Acacia that has attractive, large round leaflets. Spikes of white flowers from October to January are followed by bright red seed pods. This beautiful specimen tr...

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  • Acacia caffra

    Acacia caffraIn Stock

    Gewone Haakdoring, katdoring, Common Hook Thorn, Cat Thorn, Morutlhare, Muvunda-mbado, Umtholo, Motholo, Mbvhinya-xihloka

    Acacia caffra (=Senegalia caffra) is a very hardy, deciduous, drought resistant, graceful tree with feathery foliage that gives the tree a weeping shape. Fragrant, creamy-white flower spikes are borne from September to November along with...

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  • Acacia davyi

    Acacia davyiIn Stock

    Kurkbasdoring, Papierdoring, Kurkdoring, Musaunga, Isikhwishi, Cork-bark Thorn, Corky Thorn, Paper-bark Thorn, Paper Thorn, Paper-bark Tree

    Acacia davyi (=Vachellia davyi) is a hardy, drought resistant, deciduous, small Acacia with distinctive yellow or light brown, corky bark on the stems and branches. It has clusters of bright yellow puffball flowers on the ends of the ...

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  • Acacia erioloba

    Acacia eriolobaIn Stock

    False Lightening Bush, Camel Thorn, Valsbliksembos, Kameeldoring, umbheza, umgqata

    Acacia erioloba (= Vachellia erioloba) is a very hardy, beautiful Thorn Tree from South Africa that is slow growing but tolerates harsh growing conditions. It has typical fine, feathery leaves and straight white spines. The bark is deeply ...

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  • Acacia galpinii

    Acacia galpiniiIn Stock

    Apiesdoring, Monkey-Thorn, Mokgapa, Tshikwalo, Molopa

    Acacia galpinii (=Senegalia galpinii) is a very hardy fairly fast growing, deciduous thorn tree and is one of the largest of the Acacias. It flowers before the leaves in September and October with showy, white, bottlebrush-type flowers...

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  • Acacia gerrardii

    Acacia gerrardiiIn Stock

    Rooidoring, rooibas, rooihaakdoring, swarthaakdoring, engelsedoring, Red Thorn, umphuzwe, Umsama, muunga

    Acacia gerrardii (=Vachellia gerrardii) is a hardy, fairly fast-growing, drought-resistant, deciduous Acacia. It has a long, straight stem that starts branching high up to form a flattish crown. As it is sparsely branched and throws li...

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  • Acacia grandicornutaFlowering

    Acacia grandicornuta

    Horingdoring, Horned Thorn

    Acacia grandicornuta (Vachellia grandicornuta) is a hardy, deciduous, small to medium sized tree with a sparse rounded crown. The bark on the tree stem is deeply, longitudinally fissured and dark grey, while the young zigzagging branches ar...

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