Wildflower Blog

From category archives: Wildflower Blog

Indigenous Landscaping

Landscape Restoration Project Rating System

In many developments, it is claimed that a landscaped site has been restored to a natural state or that only indigenous plants have been used during implementation. There is always tacitly implied that some kind of ecosystem was created. However, there is no industry standard against which it can be assessed.

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Indigenous Bulbs for Highveld Gardens

When driving through the waving grasses on the Highveld, the beautiful bulbs that grow amongst them often go unnoticed since the grasses dwarf them. But with a bit of practice, you will at least spot some of them. The best way, of course, is to take a walk….

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Pre-rain flowers in Gauteng

The so-called pre-rain flowers are most conspicuous in areas that have been burnt early in winter. Most of them sprout from a woody rootstock. This “underground storage” is a protection against the ravages of fire but is also a food reservoir. That is why they can sprout and flower even before the first rains. Even grasses store their food in their roots during winter.

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Garden Shrubs From The Grassland Biome

In an environmentally friendly garden, it is important to create different “layers” of plant growth to simulate the habitat that occurs in nature. The shrub “layer” forms the middle layer that creates a habitat for birds that feed on the ground. One bird worthy of having in your garden is Burchell’s coucal that loves this kind of habitat.

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Garden Perennials and Bulbs From the Grassland Biome

What is not known to many people is that the perennials and bulbs that occur in the Grassland Biome are only surpassed by the plants from the Fynbos Biome. There really is a tremendous variety to choose from.

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