South African Indigenous Plant Catalogue

Random Harvest’s South African Indigenous Plant Catalogue is a purpose built resource for Landscapers and gardeners alike. It is an ever-growing collection of the plants indigenous to South Africa, that we grow or have grown in the past. Each plant included on this catalogue has horticultural value, and information is given on where and how to grow it to its full potential.

ATTRIBUTES - Select attributes for these plants (e.g. winter flowering, tall tree, butterfly host plant, bird friendly etc.) to fine tune a selection of plants that will most suit your gardening requirements. Simply click on the square next to the commonly asked question or attribute, and then click on the “Filter Plants” button.

SEARCH BUTTON - If you know what you are looking for, type in the name of the plant and click on the search button (magnifying glass). This function does require correct spelling of the plant name. You can enter the Genus and species, or one or the other, or a common name to search for a plant. This search facility can also be used to search on specific words, e.g. “yellow flowers” or “Lily” etc.

REQUEST A QUOTE - You are also able to build a request for a quote on plants that you would like for your garden project. Once you’ve selected what you want, submit it and we will get back to you with availability and a quote.

This catalogue is a work in progresss. Please let us know if you find any glaring errors.

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  • Haemanthus albiflos

    Haemanthus albiflosIn Stock

    Witpoeierkwas, White Paint Brush, uzeneke, uZeneke

    Haemanthus albiflos is a hardy, evergreen, shade-loving, bulbous plant with mainly broad, glossy, green, strap-like leaves, although they are very variable and can sometimes be hairy. The upper half of the bulb is bright-green and is expose...

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  • Halleria elliptica

    Halleria ellipticaIn Stock

    Kinderbessie, Rock Tree Fuchsia

    Halleria elliptica is a hardy evergreen shrub, with very showy, orange-red, broadly tubular flowers in summer and winter. The olive green foliage turns purple in winter which contrasts beautifully with the orange-red flowers. It then bears...

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  • Halleria lucida

    Halleria lucidaIn Stock

    Tree-Fuchia, Notsung, Murevhe, Leloetsi

    Halleria lucida is a hardy, evergreen, small to medium sized tree with attractive foliage and a graceful drooping habit. It bears orange or pale yellow tubular flowers which are borne from April to August. The flowers are borne along the...

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  • Haplocarpha scaposaFlowering

    Haplocarpha scaposaIn Stock

    False gerbera, Melktou, khutsana, isikhali

    Haplocarpha scaposa is a very hardy, fast growing, deciduous perennial plant with a basal rosette of attractive large, grey-green leaves that have white woolly undersides. In its first season it starts to bear large yellow flowers on long s...

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  • Harpephyllum caffrumFlowering

    Harpephyllum caffrumIn Stock

    Wild Plum, Wildepruim, Umgwenya, Umgwenye

    Harpephyllum caffrum is a fairly hardy, large evergreen tree. It has attractive dark foliage with the odd red leaf in the crown. The small yellowish-green flowers are borne in terminal sprays from October to February. Male and female flowe...

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  • Harpochloa falxFlowering

    Harpochloa falxIn Stock

    Caterpillar Grass

    Harpochloa falx is a hardy, perennial, evergreen tufted grass. From September to April the inflorescence stalks bear flattened spikelets that carry two rows of densely packed flowers that curl as they dry out and form seeds. In the garden...

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  • Helichrysum argyrophyllum

    Helichrysum argyrophyllum

    Golden Guinea Everlasting, Vaalsewejaartjie

    Helichrysum argyrophyllum is a  hardy, evergreen, mat-forming ground cover or dwarf shrub that has beautiful, small, grey leaves with silvery, white hairs. The clusters of papery, canary yellow flowers are carried well above the plant...

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  • Helichrysum crispum

    Helichrysum crispum

    Mattress Everlasting, Kooigoed, imphepo

    Helichrysum crispum is a hardy, evergreen, dense, very fast-growing, compact perennial with beautiful, small, dainty, silvery-grey velvety, rounded, aromatic leaves. A lovely foliage and textural plant. From November to January it has clus...

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  • Helichrysum cymosumFlowering

    Helichrysum cymosumIn Stock

    Goue tapyt, Golden Carpet

    Helichrysum cymosum is a hardy, evergreen small, leafy, scandent shrub with beautiful silvery, small leaves that are woolly below. It bears compact heads of yellow, papery flowers at the tips of each branchlet from September to April. Use...

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  • Helichrysum petiolare

    Helichrysum petiolare

    Mattress Everlasting, Kooigoed

    Helichrysum petiolare is a hardy, evergreen, dense, very fast growing perennial with beautiful, silvery-grey velvety, rounded, aromatic leaves. A lovely foliage and textural plant. It has cream flowers from November to January which can be ...

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