Euryops virgineus

Euryops virgineus

Common Names

Honey Euryops, River Resin Bush (english)Rivierhaarpuisbos, Heuningmagriet (afrikaans)


Genus Euryops
Species virgineus
SA Plant Number
Basionym Euryops virgineus


Euryops virgineus is a very hardy, fast growing, evergreen shrub that is both drought and wind resistant.

It has attractive, dense, fine bright green leaves and is covered in masses of small, golden-yellow flowers in winter and early spring.

The sweetly scented flowers attract insects to the garden.

Plant in full sun and prune back at least once a year after flowering and make sure it is watered in winter .

This attractive shrub with its rounded shape is ideal for small gardens as it takes readily to pruning.It makes an attractive hedge.

Size Up to 2m


Lifestyle Seeds may have stock of Euryops virgineus seeds.


Plants for Pollinators: The scented flowers carry copious amounts of pollen which is important food for bees and other pollinating insects.


Landscaping: Beautiful, fast growing, floriferous shrub which adds winter and early spring colour to the backdrop of tiered flower beds. Makes an attractive hedge as it responds well to pruning and has a lovely rounded shape.


Western Cape and Eastern Cape

Natural Habitat Fynbos mountainsides, Grassland, Karooid scrub, Roadsides


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