Freylinia lanceolata


Common Names

Honeybells, Honey Bell-bush (english)Heuningklokkiesbos (afrikaans)


Genus Freylinia
Species lanceolata
SA Plant Number 670.1
Basionym Freylinia lanceolata


Freylinia lanceolata is a very hardy, evergreen, fast growing, graceful shrub with a lovely weeping shape. The long, drooping lanceolate leaves add to the shape. Bunches of creamy-yellow, fragrant, tubular flowers, appear in profusion from May to August when little else is flowering.

A few flowers will appear sporadically during the rest of the year. The flowers smell of honey and their nectar attracts a myriad of butterflies and other insects. It can be clipped into a formal hedge but does need a lot of maintenance. Prune regularly to keep looking neat.

It grows well in a sunny garden although it does tolerate partial shade. It grows naturally along streams and enjoys wet conditions, but also grows well in a normally irrigated garden.

Size: 2 to 4m


Pollinators: Nectar from the flowers attracts a myriad of butterflies and other pollinating insects.


Landscaping: Forms a tall, dense hedge. Can be clipped into a neat, formal hedge but this requires a lot of maintenance.


Northern Cape, Eastern Cape, Western Cape

Natural Habitat Along rivers and streams, Sandstone areas, Vlei or vlei margin  


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