Rhamnus prinoides

Rhamnus prinoides


Common Names

African Dogwood, Camdeboo Stinkwood, Glossy-leaf (english)Blinkblaar, Camdeboostinkhout (afrikaans)umGlindi, Umlindi (xhosa)umGilindi, uNyenye, umHlinye (zulu)liNyenye (swazi)Mofifi (sesotho)


Genus Rhamnus
Species prinoides
SA Plant Number 452
Basionym Rhamnus prinoides


Rhamnus prinoides is a very hardy, evergreen, very fast growing, large shrub with beautiful glossy almost mirror-like leaves.

The small inconspicuous greenish-yellow flowers are borne all year round and attract insects. 

The black berries which follow provide food for fruit eating birds almost all year round. These features make this a must for any bird garden.

It is also a host plant to the Forest-king Charaxes butterfly.

Plant in full sun or semi-shade. It is quite a rampant shrub and should be trimmed to keep in shape in smaller gardens.

Widely used for medicinal and magical purposes.


Lifestyle Seeds may have stock of Rhamnus prinoides seeds.


Wildlife garden plant: The flowers atract insects to the garden. The black berries provide food for fruit-eating birds. It is a host plant to the Forest-king Charaxes butterfly 


Limpopo, North West, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu Natal, Free State, Northern Cape, Eastern Cape, Western Cape

Natural Habitat Along rivers and streams, Forest margin, Scrub  


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