Crinum macowanii

Crinum macowanii


Common Names

River Lily (english)Rivierlelie (afrikaans)umnduze (zulu)intelezi (xhosa)


Genus Crinum
Species macowanii
SA Plant Number
Basionym Crinum macowanii


Crinum macowanii is a very hardy, deciduous, large bulbous plant with long strap-like leaves that have undulating margins and can reach up to 1 metre.

It bears a head of spectacular, huge trumpet-like flowers that are sweetly scented from October to February. The beautiful pale to dark pink flowers have a crimson line on the petals and black anthers in their centre

This outstanding plant also has attractive knobbly seed heads, which will readily seed themselves around the garden to form clumps. The seed is dispersed, in nature, by floating away from the mother plant.

It requires full sun and moist to wet conditions.

Keep drier in winter when the bulbs are dormant. Plant in compost rich soil and try not to disturb the bulb too often – rather allow them to clump out.

Protect from Amaryllis caterpillar by hand removal of worms.

Size 50 cm to 1 m



Lifestyle Seeds may have stock of Crinum macowanii seeds.


Limpopo, North West, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu Natal, Free State, Eastern Cape

Habitat:Along rivers and streams, Grassland, Vlei or vlei margin, Woodland


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