Ledebouria petiolata

Ledebouria petiolata


Common Names

Spotted Leaved Drimiopsis, Little white soldiers, African Hosta, Leopard plant (english)Injobo (zulu)


Genus Ledebouria
Species petiolata
SA Plant Number
Basionym Ledebouria petiolata


Ledebouria petiolata (=Drimiopsis maculata) is a hardy, deciduous, shade loving, bulbous plant has beautiful, small arrow shaped leaves that have dark purple spots on the leaves.

The spikes of white Hyacinth type flowers appear from September to April and are pretty but quite inconspicuous.

It multiplies easily by producing side bulbs. This is an attractive garden and container subject for deep, dark shade where it thrives. It also grows well in a shaded vertical wall planting. It grows amongst tree roots in deep shade where very little else grows.

Size Up to 25cm


Plants for Pollinators: Small pollinating insects gather pollen from the tiny flowers.


Landscaping: Textural and colour contrast are provided by the foliage in shady areas. Stunning container plant. Adapts well to use in a shaded vertical wall planting.


Gauteng, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu Natal, Eastern Cape

Natural Habitat Forest floors and shaded stream banks


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