Cussonia sphaerocephala


Common Names

Natal Forest Cabbage Tree (english)Boskiepersol (afrikaans)Umsenge Wehlathi (zulu)


Genus Cussonia
Species sphaerocephala
SA Plant Number 564.2
Basionym Cussonia sphaerocephala


Cussonia sphaerocephala is a fast-growing, evergreen, fairly hardy tree.It is tall and sparsely branched, with each branch bearing its own small spherical crown of leaves. The large, shiny, leathery, attractive leaves are red when they first appear, darken to bronze and then to dark green. The greenish flowers appear between March and June and are densely packed on short, thick spikes that form compact double umbels. The flowers attract many pollinating insects. The masses of purplish-black fruit that follow are small and fleshy and attract birds to the garden.

This very decorative tree is suitable for large, sheltered, shady gardens and makes a good container plant.

Do not plant Cussonia near walls, pools, pipes or paving as they have an aggressive root system.

Size 15 to 20m.


Birds: The ripe fruit attracts many fruit-eating birds to the garden.


Landscaping: Cussonia sphaerocephala is a good container plant subject.


KwaZulu Natal,  Eastern Cape

Natural Habitat Dune forest, Forested Ravines, Rugged Mountainsides, Wooded kloofs


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