Aloe tenuior

Aloe tenuior


Common Names

ikhalana (xhosa)


Genus Aloe
Species tenuior
SA Plant Number
Basionym Aloe tenuior


Aloe tenuior is a hardy, pretty, dainty, rambling Aloe that has bright red or yellow flowers.

It has long narrow sheathing leaves, crowded in a loose rosette at the tip of the branches. In cultivation it flowers freely for most of the year but mainly from May to August.

It will form large bush clumps, making it a useful landscape plant. It grows well in a normally irrigated garden. 

It will grow in full sun or semi-shade. A good ‘bee plant’ that has many traditional uses.

Size Up to 3m


Lifestyle Seeds may have stock of Aloe tenuior seeds.


Good bee plant: it is a good bee plant that has many traditional uses


Landscape plant: It forms large bush clumps ,making it a useful landscape plant


Mpumalanga, KwaZulu Natal,  Eastern Cape, Western Cape

Habitat:Forest margin, Thicket


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