Lantana rugosa

Lantana rugosa


Common Names

Voëlbrandewyn (afrikaans)Bird's Brandy (english)Wild Grassland Lantana (english)mabele-mabutsoa-pele (sesotho)utyani-bentaka (xhosa)impema (zulu)utshwala benyoni (zulu)


Genus Lantana
Species rugosa
SA Plant Number
Basionym Lantana rugosa


Lantana rugosa is a hardy, evergreen, much branched perennial shrub with rough stems and leaves. The leaves are small (the drier the conditions, the smaller the leaves), bright green and aromatic when crushed.

Little clusters of pink to purple flowers are borne from September to May, and are followed by clustered, juicy, purple fruit. The flowers attract many pollinating insects, including butterflies. The fruit is eaten by people, monkeys and birds. An excellent addition to the wildlife garden. It has a number of traditional medicinal uses.

Plant in well drained soil, and full sun to semi shade. It will flower and fruit best in full sun, but the more shade and water it receives, the larger the leaves will be. Prune well after flowering for it to maintain a good shape, otherwise it can become scraggly.

Size up to 1.5m


Lifestyle Seeds may have stock of Lantana rugosa seeds.


Wildlife garden plant: The flowers attract many butterflies and the fruits are relished by birds and people.


Free State, Gauteng, KwaZulu Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Northern Cape, North West Province, Western Cape

Biome:Grassland, Thicket

Natural Habitat Grassland, Wooded Grassland, Woodland  


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