Faidherbia albida

Faidherbia albida


Common Names

Anatree (english)Anaboom (afrikaans)Mogôkatau (tswana)Muhoţo (venda)Umhlalankwazi (zulu)


Genus Faidherbia
Species albida
SA Plant Number 159
Basionym Faidherbia albida


Faidherbia albida is a hardy, drought resistant, fast growing, large thorn tree that is deciduous at various times of the year - sometimes summer and sometimes winter.

This seems to coincide with seasonal flooding. It has small blue-grey leaflets, zigzag white branches and a beautiful silver grey and brown stem. The pale cream, scented flowers appear from late winter to early spring. 

The twisted pods resemble slices of dried apples. Plant in sun or semi-shade. The bark is used medicinally. 

This widespread tree also grows in the Namib Desert where the seeds and pods are a staple food of the Bushmen. 

As with all Acacia species all parts are nutritious and provide valuable fodder. 

 Size up to 30m


Lifestyle Seeds may have stock of Faidherbia albida seeds.


Limpopo, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu Natal

Habitat:Along rivers and streams, Forested Ravines


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