Raphionacme velutina

Raphionacme velutina

Common Names


Genus Raphionacme
Species velutina
SA Plant Number
Basionym Raphionacme velutina


Raphionacme velutina is a very hardy, deciduous, multi-stemmed herbaceous plant with weakly-erect stems arising from a large, tuberous caudex, which is sometimes flattened. The small, elongated, hairy, grey-green leaves are folded upwards in well-spaced, opposite pairs.

In spring and summer, it bears interesting, yellow-green, star-shaped flowers with purple stamens along the length of the stems.

Plant in a grassland or succulent garden. To make a beautiful container plant, expose the tuber. Be careful not to over water as it may rot.

It will grow best in sun or semi-shade, in well-drained but well-composted soil.

Size: 20cm


Limpopo, North West, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Northern Cape


Natural Habitat Grassland  


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