Diascia Hybrids

Diascia Hybrids


Common Names

Twinspur (english)Pensies (afrikaans)


Genus Diascia
Species Hybrids
SA Plant Number
Basionym Diascia Hybrids


Diascia ‘Hybrids is a hardy, evergreen, bushy, drought-resistant, perennial groundcover with fine round leaves.

This hybrid bears spikes of flowers in profusion, ranging in colour from white, pink, orange and through to red.The flowers are borne mainly from August to March but it does bear some flowers all year round.

Beautiful planted along the edges of beds, in containers and in amongst small grasses.

Plant in full sun in well-drained soil and do not overwater.Prune lightly on a regular basis to keep it flowering.

Size: 15 to 25cm


Pollinator specific adaptation of flowers: The spurs on the Diascia (Twinspur) flowers hold oil that only female Oil collecting bees (Rediviva species) are able to harvest. They take it to their breeding chamber and feed it to their offspring. Any left over oil is used to line the brood chamber.


Landscaping: Beautiful border and container plant. Also suitable subject for hanging baskets.


Cultivated hybrid


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