Afrocanthium gilfillanii

Common Names

Velvet Rock-alder, Velvet Turkey-berry, Velvet-leaved cyanthium (english)Fluweelklipels, skaap droolotjies (afrikaans)serapse (n. sotho)mononyane (tswana)


Genus Afrocanthium
Species gilfillanii
SA Plant Number 706
Basionym Afrocanthium gilfillanii


Afrocanthium [=Canthium] gilfillanii is a hardy, deciduous, drought-resistant tree with interesting, angular, branching patterns and beautiful silver bark.New leaves are a crisp lime-green in spring, becoming bright-green as they mature.

The leaves are velvety to the touch from August to December.It has small greenish flowers which attract insects.These are followed by black, sticky seeds that are a favourite with birds.

This upright tree is ideal for smaller gardens.Plant in groves to get the full beauty of the bark and structure of this tree. It coppices freely and is an essential component of a bush clump.

The hard, pale, yellowish wood is used for fence posts, tools and furniture. Plant in sun or semi-shade in well-composted, well-drained soil. 

Size: 3 to 7m




Limpopo, North West, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu Natal


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