Gazania Gazoo

Gazania Gazoo

Common Names


Genus Gazania
Species Gazoo
SA Plant Number
Basionym Gazania Gazoo


Gazania gazoo Citrus Mix is a hardy, evergreen, drought resistant, sun loving groundcover with glossy leaves.

This vigorous Gazania produces large flowers on strong stems in spring and summer. They are free flowering with a long flowering season.

This hybrid mixture of orange and yellow flowers even open under low light conditions. Needs well-drained soil and moderate water.

Ideal for a rockery and for stabilizing soil on banks as well as for mass planting and containers.

Size 15 to 30cm


Pollinating insects: Excellent source of pollen for pollinating insects


Container plant: Excellent container plant, either as a one species container or one of a variety of species.

Landscaping: As a bedding plant en masse or adds a good "pop" of colour in a grassland / meadowland planting. Particularly attractive in a grassland planting when placed near rocks or driftwood.


Natural Habitat Rocky grassland  


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