Kleinia fulgens

Kleinia fulgens

Common Names

Koraalsenecio (afrikaans)Coral Senecio (english)


Genus Kleinia
Species fulgens
SA Plant Number
Basionym Kleinia fulgens


Kleinia fulgens is a hardy, attractive, evergreen succulent plant with a creeping, tuberous rootstock. It has broad, flattened, slightly fleshy stalkless leaves that arise directly from a fleshy stem. They are grey-green with a purple margin.

The clusters of bright-orange or scarlet flowers are carried on long, flowering stems from January to August. The flowers attract pollinating insects to the garden.

This long-flowering plant will brighten up a rockery or mixed flowerbed.

Plant in well-drained soil in full sun or light shade.

Size: 30cm to 60cm


Lifestyle Seeds may have stock of Kleinia fulgens seeds.


Wildlife garden plant: Attract pollinating insects and butterflies to the garden.


Landscaping: Beautiful container plant Bright and cheerful addition to a succulent rock garden Plant where it can cascade down rocks. A good addition to a succulent roof garden


KwaZulu Natal, Gauteng, Limpopo, Mpumalanga

Habitat:Bushveld, Rocky cliffs


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