Baphia racemosa

Baphia racemosa

Common Names

Natal Camwood, violet pea (english)Boskamhout (afrikaans)uTshuphu (xhosa)isiFithi (zulu)


Genus Baphia
Species racemosa
SA Plant Number 224
Basionym Baphia racemosa


Baphia racemosa is a hardy, evergreen, quite slow growing shrub or small tree with a dense, rounded crown of dark green, glossy leaves.

It bears sprays of pure white pea-like flowers with a yellow honey-guide spot on the upper petal from August to November. The flowers fill the air with a strong violet scent and attract bees and a whole host of insects to the garden.

It is also the host plant of the Blue-spotted Charaxes and Orange-barred playboy butterflies.

It is an ideal tree for a small garden and should be planted in well-composted soil in shade or semi-shade.

Size 3 to 6m


Nectar plant: The flowers attract bees and other pollinating insects to the garden with their nectar-rich flowers.

Butterfly host plant: Host plant of the Blue-spotted Charaxes and Orange-barred Playboy butterflies


Landscaping: Beautiful tree for a small garden. A good tree to plant near swimming pools.


KwaZulu Natal, Eastern Cape

Habitat:Areas of secondary regrowth, Coastal swamps, Forest-savanna habitats, Lowland areas, Riverine forests


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