Olinia emarginata is a very frost-hardy, evergreen small to medium sized tree that can grow into a huge tree in forest situations. It has gorgeous creamy white bark that flakes to reveal orange areas.
The small leaves form a dense, dark glossy green crown. The compact sprays of pink flowers are faintly scented and appear from October to January.
The fruits are dark pink to red drupes in dense clusters and are very decorative. Many species of fruit-eating birds relish the ripe fruits.
The size of the tree will vary from small in open areas to very large in a forest situation. Because of its dense crown, the Mountain Hard Pear is a good screening plant, as well as a windbreak. Makes a wonderful feature tree and container plant.
Plant in full sun and water well. As the roots are non-aggressive it can be used in a small garden.
Size 1 to 5m