Aloe tenuior Orange

Common Names


Genus Aloe
Species tenuior
SA Plant Number
Basionym Aloe tenuior Orange


Aloe tenuior Orange is a hardy, pretty, dainty, rambling Aloe that bears spikes of bright orange flowers. It has long, narrow, sheathing leaves, crowded in a loose rosette at the tip of the branches. In cultivation, it flowers freely, for most of the year, but mainly from May to August.

A good ‘bee plant’ that has many traditional uses. It will form large bush clumps, making it a useful landscape plant.

This Aloe grows well in a normally-irrigated garden that has well-drained soil and will grow in full sun or semi-shade.

Size: Up to 3m


Pollinators: Insect pollinators and Sunbirds love the nectar of these flowers.


Traditional: Aloe tenuior has many traditional uses

Cut flower: Both flowers and leafy stems make striking additions to flower arrangements or in vases on their own.


Mpumulanga, KwaZulu Natal,  Eastern Cape, Western Cape

Habitat:Forest margin, Thicket


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