Begonia sutherlandii sutherlandii

Begonia sutherlandii sutherlandii


Common Names

Wild Orange Begonia (english)Uqamamawene (zulu)


Genus Begonia
Species sutherlandii
SA Plant Number
Basionym Begonia sutherlandii sutherlandii


Begonia sutherlandii subsp. sutherlandii is a hardy, deciduous, truly beautiful tuberous Begonia. The large, heart-shaped glossy green leaves are in sharp contrast to the red stems and veins. This is a striking feature of this plant. Pendulous clusters of glistening apricot-coloured flowers are borne from August to April.

This plant makes a spectacular container plant or hanging basket. It can also be planted in frost free areas, in shaded, well watered rock gardens or near shady water features. Used in traditional medicine. There are often bulbils in the axils of the leaves. These can be used to propagate the plant.

Plant in shade in well-composted soil.

Size : Up to 30cm


Medicinal: Used in Zulu traditional medicine

Landscaping: Makes a spectacular hanging basket or container plant. Use in shaded, well watered rock gardens and in amongst rocks near a shaded water feature.


KwaZulu Natal, Mpumalanga, Eastern Cape


Habitat:Forested Ravines, Ravine forest among boulders, Waterfall edges, wet rock crevices


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