Kraussia floribunda

Kraussia floribunda

Common Names

Rhino coffee (english)Renosterkoffie (afrikaans)isikhuphankobe (zulu)


Genus Kraussia
Species floribunda
SA Plant Number
Basionym Kraussia floribunda


Kraussia floribunda is a fairly hardy, evergreen, scrambling shrub or small tree with beautiful dark green, glossy foliage. The profuse clusters of delicate creamy-white, scented flowers are borne from October to January. It then bears sweet tasting, edible, purple fruits that the birds love. Butterflies are attracted to the sweet nectar in the flowers. It is also the host of the Pellucid Hawk Moth with its lovely transparent wings.

This is an attractive element of a forest garden. It can be pruned into a lovely small, glossy-leafed tree, keep it as a shrub or even trim it into an attractive informal hedge. It also makes an attractive container plant.

Plant in semi-shade or shade in compost rich soil.

Size: 2 to 6m


Lifestyle Seeds may have stock of Kraussia floribunda seeds.


Moth Host Plant: Host plant to the larvae of the beautiful Pellucid Hawk Moth.

Fruit for birds: Bears fruit that the birds feast on.


Landscaping: Beautiful element to a forest garden. Good container subject for shady areas.


Limpopo, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu Natal

Natural Habitat Coastal grassland, Coastal thicket, Low altitude forest, Riverine bush, Riverine forests, Swamp forest, Thicket  


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