Dissotis princeps

Dissotis princeps


Common Names


Genus Dissotis
Species princeps
SA Plant Number
Basionym Dissotis princeps


Dissotis princeps is a fairly hardy soft herbaceous shrub that has gorgeous mauve or white flowers in summer and autumn. Its stems are angular when young and the whole plant is covered in short, bristly hairs.

It is a must for any kind of water garden, planted in damp soil e.g. in the overflow from a pond or beside a stream. It can be planted in the regular garden or herbaceous border but to perform at its best it must be well-watered.

It makes a good container plant but must be well fed and well watered. For best results prune back hard in winter and make sure it has sufficient water.

1.5 to 3 m


Plants for Pollinators: Pollen rich flowers are visited by a variety on pollinating insects. Flower crab spiders and other small predatory invertebrates can often be found on or underneath the flowers, waiting to catch unsuspecting prey.


Landscaping: Beautiful flowering plant for damp, sunny areas.Plant in marshy areas next to or in a water feature, pond or natural pool.Makes a good container plant if watered well.


Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Limpopo


Natural Habitat: Forest margin, Marsh edges, Moist grassland  


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