Ptaeroxylon obliquum is hardy, drought resistant, medium sized to large, fairly fast growing and evergreen or deciduous (depending on the conditions). The size of this tree depends on habitat and it only grows into a huge tree in mist belt forest.
It has glossy dark green leaves with asymmetrical bases. In autumn they turn a glowing yellow and are very decorative.
It has abundant, sweetly scented, white to pale yellow hanging bunches of flowers from August to December. The fruit is an oblong, reddish brown capsule that splits from the tip to release its winged seeds when mature.
This very decorative, good shade tree attracts Swallowtail butterflies and is an excellent garden subject. Makes a beautiful avenue tree.
The wood of this tree was used to make railway sleepers and thus most of the really big specimens have disappeared.
Sawdust and pieces of wood can be used as an insect repellent.
Plant in sun or semi-shade. Although extremely drought tolerant, water young trees well until they are established.
Size 7 to 20m