Ledebouria ovalifolia

Ledebouria ovalifolia

Common Names

South African hyacinth (english)


Genus Ledebouria
Species ovalifolia
SA Plant Number
Basionym Ledebouria ovalifolia


Ledebouria ovalifolia is a bulbous plant that is common in grasslands. The interestingly oval,  spotted leaves grow prostrate on the ground, usually sending up delicate sprays of scented flowers, before the rain.

These are followed by a rosette of leaves with purple undersides and a myriad of different patterns on the foliage.

As this plant is very flat and small it is best suited to container growing planted in between interesting rocks or in a rockery bed or retaining wall where its foliage and tiny flowers can best be displayed. Requires full to partial sun.


Lifestyle Seeds may have stock of Ledebouria ovalifolia seeds.


Southern Cape

Natural Habitat Fynbos, semi-arid Karroo scrub and other winter rainfall vegetation types


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