Acacia grandicornuta

Acacia grandicornuta

Common Names

Horingdoring (afrikaans)Horned Thorn (english)


Genus Acacia
Species grandicornuta
SA Plant Number 167.1
Basionym Acacia grandicornuta


Acacia grandicornuta (Vachellia grandicornuta) is a hardy, deciduous, small to medium sized tree with a sparse rounded crown. The bark on the tree stem is deeply, longitudinally fissured and dark grey, while the young zigzagging branches are grey and smooth.

The leaves are borne on "cushions" just above the paired, straight spines which are joined and swollen at the base, resembling horns, hence the common name.

The white puff-ball flowers are borne from February to August and attract insects and birds to the garden. They are followed by delicate, sickle-shaped, woody pods.

This is a good tree to use as a Bonsaai subject, and is also suitable for smaller gardens. As it can withstand very dry conditions it is a good choice for an arid garden.

Plant in semi-shade or sun, in well-drained soil and do not over water.

Size: up to 10m


Lifestyle Seeds may have stock of Acacia grandicornuta seeds.


Wildlife garden plant: The flowers attract insects and birds to the garden.


Bonsaai: A very good subject for Bonsaai.

Landscaping: Suitable for small gardens.Very drought hardy for arid gardens and dry areas.


Limpopo, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu Natal

Natural Habitat Low altitude, dry thornveld and Mopane on deep brackish soils


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