This shrub to medium sized tree is slow growing with either a single, straight, broad stem or slender, short, multistemmed and the branches are brittle. The bark is rough, grey-brown to smoothish in forest settings.
The leaves vary according to the habitat, are elliptic to ovate, leathery, shiny, dark green, veins are pale above and dark below, serrated margins or entire and alternate.
The scented flowers are small, in small clusters in leaf axils, yellowish-green and are borne from August to March. The flowers are an important food source for honey bees.
The edible, fleshy fruit that follows are deep pink to scarlet to purple, smooth or hairy and roundish. The birds are attracted by the fruit to the garden and are occasionaly eaten by people.
This plant is used medicinally, the wood is used to make fighting sticks, household utensils and for fuel and dye is extracted from the bark. The leaves are browsed by game and stock.
Size: 2 - 15 m