Oxalis purpurea

Oxalis purpurea

Common Names

Grand Duchess Sorrel (english)


Genus Oxalis
Species purpurea
SA Plant Number
Basionym Oxalis purpurea


Oxalis purpurea is a hardy, deciduous, dwarf, mounding, bulbous groundcover. It is only deciduous for a few short months in summer. It has bright green trifoliate, clover-like leaves which in themselves are attractive. The form we grow flowers en masse, bearing large white, trumpet shaped flowers with a yellow throat. It continues flowering for at least half the year. It attracts many pollinating insects to the garden.

Plant between steppingstones, as a groundcover or create beautiful container plants. This tough little plant grows in sun or semi-shade. Plant in well drained soil.

Size 6 to 7cm


Plants for Pollinators: Important source of pollen for pollinating insects when not much else is in flower.

Food plant for moles: Moles are known to eat the underground bulbs


Landscaping: Due to its hardy and spreading nature, this pretty groundcover is well suited to planting between pavers and in rocky, sunny areas amongst taller plants. Also makes a good container plant.


Western Cape

Natural Habitat Open disturbed areas, in well drained soil


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