Dear Indigenous Enthusiast
My hope for you is that you are coping well with the lockdown and reconnecting with family and the environment.
Isn’t it amazing how clear the air is and how far you can see?
We are doing well here especially, with the help of my skeleton staff who are so dedicated.
The nursery is looking great and everything is flourishing and flowering.
You may be wondering at this early and brief newsletter.
As you know we have a few informal settlements around us and many people are struggling to feed themselves. At Random Harvest we have donated R10 000.00 worth of food parcels for distribution to the needy so far.
I am asking for your help with a donation for the purchase of further food parcels.
I am able to source the food at wholesale prices and have a good distribution system through the Muldersdrift Community Police Forum.
Any donation you make will be used directly for food and I am more than willing to give an accounting of what we buy and where we distribute it.
Each parcel costs about R160.00 and provides basic and nutritious food items to feed a family of 4 to 6 people for a week. You are most welcome to contact me should you require further information
The need is so huge and when I contemplate on how fortunate most of us are - I think to extend a helping hand in these times of distress is the right thing to do.
Random Harvest Nursery FNB Featherbrook Account number 51441129818
Even the smallest amount would be appreciated as it all adds up to making a huge difference in people’s lives.
Having said all this, it makes me realise even more just how blessed we are here at Random Harvest.
Even though the weather has cooled down the plants are looking absolutely beautiful and still growing strongly.
The farm is looking quite magnificent at the moment and is really tranquil.
It never ceases to amaze me at how blessed I am to live here on Random Harvest.
I cannot wait to have my customers back to come and visit and be “recharged” by the beauty and peace here in this special place.
Here’s hoping you are able to help; we will be eternally grateful to you.
Stay safe and well.
Cell 079-872-8975 email [email protected]
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