Random Harvest Newsletter Archive

Random Harvest Newsletter - February 2013

Posted On: Friday, February 1, 2013

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Dear Indigenous Enthusiast

Time seems to have run away with me this month and I haven't sent out a newsletter.

There are some interesting events coming up so I am sending this short note to let you know about them.


Random Harvest's events will also be posted on our website: www.rhn.co.za

Here are a few items that are coming up in the first quarter of 2013. Please don't forget that booking is essential - contact David on 082 553 0598 or [email protected]

Bird Walk and Breakfast with Andre Marx on Saturday 16th February, start time 06h30 for 06h45

Our walks with Andre have been so popular that he has kindly agreed to do one per quarter this year. The first date is Saturday the 16th of February. We will host a second walk in April, and will let you know the date once Andre has confirmed.
Cost: R95.00 including breakfast and early morning coffee and rusks

Toddlers trundle (from 18 months to 3 years) on Saturday 10th March; 10h00 to 11h30
The little ones seemed to enjoy this outing so much that we have decided to make it a regular event. The first one will be next month.  It is a sensory experience for them.
We discover a whole world of nature on a short walk in the garden, including a sensory pathway, water and mud. Bring sunscreen, walking shoes, a hat and a bottle of water.
Cost: R50.00. Refreshment available from Waterlily Tea Garden

Senior Citizens Tea and Talk (for the over 60's) on Thursday 14th March; 10h00 to 11h30
Jeffrey and Jonathan will be sharing their knowledge, in both English and Afrikaans, on some of our indigenous plants that are suitable for tiny gardens and containers. This promises to be a very interesting morning.
Talk attendees will receive a 10% discount on any plants purchased. There will also be a lucky draw for a hamper of goodies.
Cost: R30.00 incl. scones and tea

Easter Treats:
Easter Treasure Hunt for Children from Saturday 30th March to Saturday, 6th April;
Daily from 08h00 - 17h00
An Easter treasure hunt with a strong environmental theme - learn about some of our fascinating indigenous flora as you discover the answers to clues on your treasure hunt.
Free of charge - No Booking necessary

Saturday 30th March and Monday, 1st April ; 10h00 onwards - Easter High Tea
Frans and Yolam have a wonderful Easter-themed high tea on offer in Water Lily Tea Garden on these two days.  A selection of sweet and savoury delicacies are sure to delight your palate!
Cost: Adults R110 per person, R55.00 per child under 12
BOOKING ESSENTIAL - call David on 082 553 0598


We have a few plants that are looking particularly good at the moment.  Some are already flowering and others are about to come into flower.


Syncholostemon rotundifolius (Round-leaved pink plume)

A real gem of a find as it is easy to grow but difficult to propagate.

This lovely soft, sparsely branched shrub grows to about 1 to 1.2m. It prefers full sun, and does well in a rocky area, and well-composted but well drained soil.

The pink flowers are borne from spring to mid-Autumn (Sept to Apr), in branched inflorescences at the ends of the branches.

They attract a number of nectar feeding birds and insects.

Dyschoriste thunbergiflora - Purple Bells

This beautiful, medium sized shrub, 1 to 1.5m, bears masses of spectacular, dark blue, trumpet-shaped flowers with a dark purple spotted throat all summer and into autumn. 

Its attractive foliage gives an impression of subtle variegation. 

Grows in sun or semi-shade.  A once yearly, light pruning will keep this shrub looking its best.

In closing I would like to tell you that for the first time ever we have baby White-faced Whistling ducks on the Dam.  Needless to say Mongezi is back there in his role of protector of the babies.

Sorry about the brevity of this newsletter I will make it up next month with lots of news about what is happening on the farm.



Cel 079-872-8975
email [email protected]

For directions please go to our website www.rhn.co.za : or call 082-553-0598

Hours of business 8:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday (Closed Sundays)

Cottages 072-562-3396 :  Nursery 082-553-0598


Directions from the N1

  • From the N1 take the Beyers Naude off ramp and travel north along Beyers Naude Drive.
  • From the Christian De Wet Road crossing (Northgate is towards your right) continue along Beyers Naude Drive for 8.2km.
  • If you are traveling along Christiaan De Wet Road, turn left or from Northumberland Ave. turn right into Beyers Naude Drive.
  • Using Garden World Nursery, which is on your right, as a landmark measure 1.8km to our turn-off.
  • Opposite Oakfield farm (which is well sign-posted) at Valdor Centre turn right into College Road.
  • Continue for 2.2.km keeping right and following the small directional signs to Random Harvest Nursery.
  • You will find us on the left.

Directions from the N14

  • From the N14 (Krugersdorp - Pretoria Highway) take the Randburg/Zwartkop offramp (NB Do not take the Randburg/Lanseria offramp if you are coming from Pretoria).
  • Turn left towards Johannesburg along the extension of Beyers Naude Drive.
  • Pass the turn-off to Diepsloot - Nooitgedacht
  • Take the next tar road to your left at Valdor Centre into College Road 
  • Follow the directional signs (See above).

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