Indigenous Nursery News Blog

Posts Tagged 'trees that attract birds'

We are pleased to present below all posts tagged with 'trees that attract birds'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

A Beautiful African Tree - Easter Eco Fact 3

Acacia siberiana var. woodii - The Paperbark Thorn has been called the quintessential African tree. It is one of the many South African Indigenous tree species that has grown to full and magnificent proportions at Random Harvest Indigenous Plant Nursery - please ask our staff to show you these beautiful trees. Its spreading, flat-topped crown presents a mass of white pom-pom florets which give off an amazing scent to a whole variety of insect pollinators.

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Create a Small Bird-Friendly Garden using Indigenous Plants

The best way to create a small bird friendly garden is simply to give the birds what they need… places to feed, nest, rest and breed.  If you design a garden around these requirements, using indigenous food-bearing plants, birds will flock to your garden.

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